Saturday, August 15, 2009

" Mallory on Board"

As all of you know I am making a book review. I am doing this so when I read a book I know what it is about. The name of the book is "Mallory on Board."
I am going to explain the story through a 5 finger-retell.

  1. Main Characters- Mallory,Winnie,Max,Marry Ann,Joey,Mom,Dad,Frank,and Colleen.
  2. Setting- The Sea Queen Cruise Ship.
  3. Problem- Mallory goes on a cruise for her best friends parents wedding. Nothing goes the way she want's it to. Mallory feels like the extra person left out and like she shouldn't be there.
  4. Events- Frank and Colleens big wedding, and the reception.
  5. Solution- Captain Nate noticed Mallory was looking sad. He went to talk to her. She says she feels left out. Captain Nate tells her a story. After that everything changes. If you want know how the book ends your going to have to read it yourself. It's a really good book.
I loved this book!!! I think kids 7 and older should read this book.Younger kids may like to hear it for a bed time story. They will think it is really funny!!! :)

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